

Best Answer
Ecstasy is a pill, so technically you eat it. However, the effects of Ecstasy differ from person-to-person, and involve, without limitation: Severe Teeth GnawingMental problemsBreathing difficultiesDeath.


i just did quad stacks of yellow pumas for the first time ever and i snorted a crushed corner of the pill (about a 2 inch line of powder), and there is a disgusting taste in your mouth so have a drink near you (OJ is the best to drink with it) and for me, it entered my system within 15 minutes, rather than 45 minutes to an hour if you swallow it. all it did was tickle my nostril and made it feel kind of dry. nothing bad happened, just make sure you get all the powder inhaled through your nose by tilting your head back, holding shut the opposite nostril and inhale deeply as if you have a runny nose. you will know when you've inhaled it all by the disgusting taste in your throat/mouth.

i would recommend to just crumble it into big pieces and swallowing it with OJ, it should hit you the same or in about 20-25 minutes, and drinking it wit OJ makes it easier to swallow.(also if you have a rave pacifier, or something to chew on you will save the gnawing of your teeth and you'll love chewing something. and i have Asthma and i smoke cigs and weed and I'm not having breathing difficulties.)


Actually I'm an ex e-tard and i used to snort ecstasy all the time. And first of all if you snort e then it hits you withing 5-10 minutes depending on your body metabolism and how much you snorted. If you pop a pill first then decide to buck some rails then it will kick in your first pill that you popped faster. If you parachute that's when you crush it up and put it in a kleenex and twist it up so it lookes like a little parachute then pop it; it will kick in within 15-20 minutes but be careful when you pop it because if your stupid like me and just bite the parachute off it might explode in your mouth and stick to the roof of your mouth, not a pleasent feeling or taste. If you get the drips that's when the e goes to your throat do NOT spit it out (i know it tastes bad but don't) because it will just waste the e and then there really was no point in snorting it, if you don't like to snort it do it other ways. I wouldn't recommend hooping it, I've never done it and i don't ever plan to and ive never seen anyone else do it, its when you stick it up your butt and its somehow gets sucked up there, its supposed to give the most intense high and break it down the best but i wouldn't do it.

If you snort ecstasy you may :

-Get chemical burn in nose and mouth (also when you eat anything with sugar will also give you chemical burn so if you get gum get sugar free gum or chew on some straws its amazing but be careful not to cut your mouth up some people do, but Do NOT chew the insides of your mouth it not only hurts the next day but may swell up your mouth.)

-Excessive use will create holes in the nose and brain making your nose soft from it eating the cartilage, you will notice you can turn your nose to the side so it touches your cheek mine is my left side that's the softest, same with at the top of my nose by my brain its soft.

-Nose Bleeds if excessive you will get nose bleeds at random times, if you only done it a few times then your nose may only bleed a day to a week after use

-Raw Nose when your nose is dry and hurts you get it if you snort it everyday its not a very good feeling to have

-Probably Brain Damage because the e is going straight to the brain and then down to your stomache so if its going to your brain then its most likely eating away at your brain usually between the eyebrows.

-Headaches if you snort enough e it will give you headaches usually the spot between the eyebrows sometimes your whole forehead
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The next most common drug is ecstasy. Ecstasy looks like a pill that has a logo imprinted on it. Ecstasy can be taken in a number of different ways: injected, crushed and snorted, or swallowed whole. Ecstasy is popular to middle-class adults or/and young adults, Ecstasy is sold in all night bars. If 60 million people take Ecstasy only 60 of these people will die.

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I heard that plugging ecstasy hit you harde and faster and that it is the safest way to take the pill. I have yet to try it but will in 8 days and will let you know about my experience.

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