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live longer happy life self esteem confidence better jobs

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Q: What are the advantage of being a healthy person?
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Can an unhappy person be healthy?

Yes, an unhappy person can be perfectly healthy in every way except for being sad.

What are the characteristics of a socially healthy person?

There are many characteristics of a socially healthy person. These include being able to relate to a wide range of people, and being friendly and open to conversation.

Is there an advantage for the tiger being the biggest cat?

They can take larger prey animals, and keep the herds healthy.

What is the advantage of an apple?

the advantage of an apple is that it keeps your teeth healthy that is how horses keep their teeth healthy

How do you define a healthy person?

A healthy person is someone who eats healthy stuff like fruits and vegetables. What also makes them healthy is not being sick and spreading germs by coughing for not washing their hands.

Could being healthy make a person glad?


Is being gay a mistake?

No. A person cannot be born "a mistake." Being gay is natural and healthy.

What is the distinction between healthy and disease free?

healthy is a state of physical,social and mental well being while disease free is a state of absence of any body comfort. a healthy person can be disease free but a disease free person cannot be a healthy person

What does mean being healthy?

Being healthy means good body muscles and healthy diet. A healthy person is the one who has the idea weight as per his weight and he takes balanced diet to maintain his weight.

What are the characteristics of healthy individual?

A healthy person has an overall feeling of well-being, energy to do daily tasks of living and exercise, and has few complaints of physical ills. A healthy person does not have the absence of all physical ails, but these are isolated and do not routinely or permanently alter the person's lifestyle or activities.

Which characteristic is a sign of wellness?

There are many signs of wellness in a human being. Having energy, being happy, and having clear skin are all signs of wellness.

Why does a sports performer have to be healthy?

They need every advantage they can get by being fit and healthy. If they were not, then others will out compete them all of the time. Any excess fat will burden the sports performer, as it's extra weight to carry around.