A healthy person is someone who eats healthy stuff like fruits and vegetables. What also makes them healthy is not being sick and spreading germs by coughing for not washing their hands.
Define a healthy diet for children
A person who are prepared to face the challenges in life .Because he/she has the values,discipline,knowledge,preparedness,mentally,emotionally and physically healthy person. by; Dennis LU.
Being healthy?
There are many signs of wellness in a human being. Having energy, being happy, and having clear skin are all signs of wellness.
A fit and healthy person
what are some benefits of having a healthy person
a healthy person eat fruits and vegetables
A fat person can be healthy, yes.
A mentally healthy person is safe
The person on the jury is a juror.
A person with a healthy mind behaves appropriately.
A healthy environment is one in which all organisms can reach their maximum potential. In a healthy environment all organisms have their needs met and remain free from disease.