If somebody say like, "shut up" say "shut don't go up, prices do, so take my advice and shut up too." Or if your argueing with somebody, it drives them crazy when you go "mmhhmmm" like really sarcastically. or say, "ok Bob" or whoever it is.
There are no good comebacks for ex's.
A good classy comeback for a girl is "that is why there is only one me".
Says the murderer....
Just say thank you for the compliment.
There are several books you can purchase either in Barnes and Noble or via the web for funny comebacks. A site called silentreed in hubpages has some realy good ones.
Awesome Comebacks - 2012 If You Can't Say Anything Nice--- 1-7 was released on: USA: 6 May 2013 (internet)
At least my head anit square like yours!
you really sound like you love your own voice
I know you are but what am I.
Don't worry, the feeling is mutual!
There is nothing, because you shouldn't be a druggie.
a good comeback would be " look who is talking" "there's a mirror hun, woops! it broke!!" "haha i wouldn't be talking if i were you."