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I think the average age for a boyfriend would be... 14 or 15. Not saying you cant have one earlier or anything. I mean I'm 12 and i had a boyfriend- but i broke up with him cause he was a JERK. so girls take your time. have some freedom... its NOT what you think... having a boyfriend is good, but not great.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 17y ago

depends. if you become emancipated, you can probably move in with him if he has a steady income. otherwise, whatever the majority age is in your state.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

if you are a teenage girl then don't go over eighteen and no more than 3 years above your age. If you are a women then no more than 10 years above your age

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βˆ™ 12y ago


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Q: What age for a boyfriend?
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What age are you allow to have boyfriend?

That question is really up to your parents. Say, " What age do you think I will be until I get a boyfriend?"

Get a boyfriend at age 9?


Am i too young for a boyfriend?

The youngest age that I think is for a conpanion is 12. If your that age, than go get yourself a boyfriend!

How old do you have to be to be a boyfriend?

You can be any age to be a boyfriend, the older you get, the more you will start to realise that relationships become more serious with age.

Is it weird if you haven't ever had a boyfriend and you are in year 9?

It's not weird. There isn't a specific age that you are supposed to have a boyfriend. Everyone is different.

When does a girl get a boyfriend?

Mostly a girl gets a boyfriend at the age 13 or 15

How do you get a boyfriend at the age of nine?

You don'nt

Can you have a boyfriend at age of 11?

sure how about me

It is ok to not have a boyfriend at age 13 because i kinda like this dude and he kinda likes me and everyone esle my age had a boyfriend i just don't know?

It's fine to not have a boyfriend at any age, don't worry, you're still young.

What is the right age to get a boyfriend?

There's no age for getting a boyfriend or girlfriend because it is Love, just be sure that you are ready and you are able to handle your relationship.

Best age to have a boyfriend?

There isn't really an age that it's best to have a boyfriend just make sure you are mature and emotionally ready to have a boyfriend and that your comfortable with any situation that might come your way.

What age did Taylor swift get a boyfriend?

her first boyfriend was at 15 same with her first kiss