There isn't really an age that it's best to have a boyfriend just make sure you are mature and emotionally ready to have a boyfriend and that your comfortable with any situation that might come your way.
That question is really up to your parents. Say, " What age do you think I will be until I get a boyfriend?"
You should break up with your boyfriend and get your best friends instead
The youngest age that I think is for a conpanion is 12. If your that age, than go get yourself a boyfriend!
You can be any age to be a boyfriend, the older you get, the more you will start to realise that relationships become more serious with age.
This question should best be answered by your parent/guardian. You may not like their answer, but you should talk to them. Good luck.
At that age, I suggest you don't worry too much about boyfriends or girlfriends. You can leave that for later.
It's not weird. There isn't a specific age that you are supposed to have a boyfriend. Everyone is different.
Mostly a girl gets a boyfriend at the age 13 or 15
You don'nt
sure how about me
Boyfriend or best friend. But its usually used for best friend