There's no age for getting a boyfriend or girlfriend because it is Love, just be sure that you are ready and you are able to handle your relationship.
i might be the only guy left to think this but, don't sleep with your boyfriend... unless you're married
There is no Right or Wrong about that. It's your decision, but there is NOTHING WRONG with that decision.
guy the same age as her called Mathew lives near her
Yes . If he really likes you then he will overlook age and stay with you. But if he isn't for real then he isn't right for you.
That question is really up to your parents. Say, " What age do you think I will be until I get a boyfriend?"
The youngest age that I think is for a conpanion is 12. If your that age, than go get yourself a boyfriend!
It really depends on your age really if you are a preteen try to make your relationship safe and not having sex, that's bad. every relationship should be safe and crontrolled. =]
You can be any age to be a boyfriend, the older you get, the more you will start to realise that relationships become more serious with age.
It's not weird. There isn't a specific age that you are supposed to have a boyfriend. Everyone is different.
There's no right or wrong age to get a girlfriend or boyfriend. Whenever you personally feel the time is right. I'm 14 and I've never had a BF. My sister is 12 and she's had 3 already. It all depends on who you like, how they feel about you, and your maturity levels.
Mostly a girl gets a boyfriend at the age 13 or 15