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yes it is it drys your fricken hair out!!!


The above person is quite a genius.

Depends on how fragile your skin is. If you don't have fragile skin, taking a shower every day is just right if you use the correct soap.

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Q: Is taking a shower everyday bad for you?
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Is it bad to shower everyday?

No, it's called good hygiene. You might want to go every other day washing your hair, shower everyday.

Is it bad for your hair to shower daily?

Well, it's not bad. But washing your hair everyday will make it easier for lice to nest in your hair. So I advise you not to shower your hair every day.

Should you shower everyday or will it dry out your hair?

Yes, it will dry out your hair eventually. I would recommend taking a shower in the morning and then the next day near the after noon.

Is taking a shower twice a day bad for you?

It would be very sanitary, however for your hair, it will become very dry and stringy

Why do you need to take a shower?

You need take a shower because if you dont you can get infections down there. Also you will have bad body odor, your hair will be greasy and many other things. So try to take a shower everyday if possible.

How do you avoid bad odor?

by taking showers or baths everyday and use perfume or deodorant

Do you take a shower?

taking a shower is important or else you will smell. it is unhealthy to not take showers. so yeah, i do take showers. shower everyday 365days a year sometimes more in summertime takes 2 showers a day during the hot season

Is taking a shower while you are on your period bad?

No, taking a shower on your period isn't bad at all - you can do anything during your period that you would do any other time of your menstrual cycle, and just like any other time of your cycle you should bathe regularly to stay hygienic.

Is it okay to use mousse everyday?

no no no never ever wear that stuff every day because if you wear it every day then you will have to shower every day and showering everyday is really bad for your hair

What happen to your skin if shower everyday?

Nothing, except getting clean. Your actually supposed to shower everyday. Most /all people do.

How do people stand not washing your hair everyday it smells?

There just sick people who don't care about themselves or their hairstyle can involve not taking a shower or else it will be ruined.

Why you need bathing and showering?

if we don't have bath or shower everyday it isn't good for our health if we have shower everyday we become more heather and it we look good too