It would be very sanitary, however for your hair, it will become very dry and stringy
That is very bad indeed. You should be showering every day. I shower twice a day.
yes it is it drys your fricken hair out!!! - The above person is quite a genius. Depends on how fragile your skin is. If you don't have fragile skin, taking a shower every day is just right if you use the correct soap.
About twice a day, in the morning and at night.
Every Single Day and twice if active. Every day.
As often as needed Rangutan: you don't have to shower at all if you bath. Sportsmen shower twice or more a day, swimmers only after leaving the pool. Once a day for the normal person but the problem is morning or night, so best is twice a day if you are active and once every two days if you are idle.
its better to to do twice a day for example taking a bath it should be before going to work and before sleep in the evening
Shower and blow-dry or wair a hat.
By taking a bath twice a day
It is not bad to drink C 4 twice a day Once in the morning once in the evening if you are working out.
because if you don't you will smell bad and look disgusting
Shower everyday before work or school. Wash your hair twice a week anyway, and brush your teeth at least twice a day.
Put flour in her blow drier while she's taking a shower, and BAM, back in the shower again.