...or depression, or use of anti-depressant medication, or medical problems or just plain busy/distracted, or maybe doesn't feel that spark of the relationship any more.
Don't automatically assume the worst.
AnswerTo directly answer your question, No, loss of sex drive is NOT a sign of cocaine addiction, in fact an increase in sex drive may be a sign of cocaine addiction because: Cocaine is a powerful nervous system stimulant therefore it increases alertness, feelings of well-being and euphoria, energy and motor activity, feelings of competence and sexuality and may enhance athletic performance.However cocaine can effect sperm count and may delay male ejaculation.
Yes. One of many.
No, stealing would be considered a behavioural sign of addiction. A physical sign of addiction would be, for example, liver damage or withdrawal symptoms.
No, stealing would be considered a behavioural sign of addiction. A physical sign of addiction would be, for example, liver damage or withdrawal symptoms.
could be a sign of cocaine use - could be the sign of a cold or allergy
No star sign is particularly prone to addiction. In a natal chart addiction can be indicated by afflictions to Neptune and the 12th house.
Cocaine musik
Um..... Yes!
People think that drug addiction is a sign of weakness or a lack of willpower. They also think that it only affects a certain class of people. There is much more to it than that and addiction affects all classes equally.
Yes it is right weight loss is sign of pregnancy, but not always. During pregnancy, decrease nausea and vomiting is a big reason of weight loss.