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People think that drug addiction is a sign of weakness or a lack of willpower. They also think that it only affects a certain class of people. There is much more to it than that and addiction affects all classes equally.

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Q: Which is false about drug addiction?
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There are many drug addiction theories with many authors.

Is the any herbal cures for drug addiction?

Unfortunately, there are no herbal cures for drug addiction.

Is there pros and cons of drug addiction?

I think that there are no pros on drug addiction because who wants to be addicted??

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Which of these is the best description of addiction?

Drug addiction is a behavioral disorder and can be cured with therapy


The only effective and appropriate way to stop alcohol, drug or drug addiction is comprehensive treatment

Where is the best place to look for information on drug addiction?

The best places to look for information on drug addiction on the inter net or these following sites I have found ,

Should I refer a friend with drug addiction to drug addiction rehab?

Well, it is highly recommended that a person with drug addictions be sent to drug addiction rehab because it solves the problem quickly. They also offer great support.

What are the term related to drug dependence?

It is drug addiction.

Dialogue on drug addiction?

The death of Amy Winehouse has once again highlighted the danger of drink and drug addiction.

Teacher role in a school for preventing drug addiction and hiv?

The teacher's role in school for preventing drug addiction and HIV is issuing guiding and counseling and educating the students on the dangers of drug addiction and HIV.