Yes it is right weight loss is sign of pregnancy, but not always. During pregnancy, decrease nausea and vomiting is a big reason of weight loss.
No, it is not a sign of early pregnancy. It is definitely not a sign of pregnancy. ***I disagree completely!! Here is a website to check out for any other who might have been misinformed by the following answer above: On this site, it lists the early symptoms of pregnancy; the last paragraph states: "Weight loss: Many women lose weight during early pregnancy due to food fetishes. One must eat healthy foods at frequent intervals to maintain the nutrient level of the body." Hope this helps!
Pregnancy weight loss is not always a healthy idea. Women should gain weight during pregnancy and the best advice is to maintain body fat levels during pregnancy to avoid gaining too much weight. Eating a healthy diet along with mild exercise, as prescribed by a doctor, will help pregnant woman maintain a healthy weight during pregnancy. Losing weight after pregnancy is the best plan of action. Attempting to lose weight while pregnant could harm the development of the baby. If the mother has a normally poor diet, eating healthier foods during pregnancy will result in a natural and healthy pregnancy weight loss.
Loss of appetite can be a sign of anything but usually a pregnant woman will experience cravings of hunger more-so than lack of it.
Rapid weight loss during pregnancy and breastfeeding is never a good idea. You take a chance of robbing your body of necessary nutrients that are impairative to maintaining a healthy baby. Moderate weight loss is o.k. as long as your diet is healthy and balanced.
For most women, a twenty to thirty pound weight gain, not loss, is ideal. It's not so much about losing weight during pregnancy, but eating healthy foods and getting physical activity.
Unless your doctor objects, running for weight loss after pregnancy is perfectly safe. When you need to find more information about running for weight loss your best resource would be the online health forums and health websites. Many are frequented by professionals who are experts in this field.
Pregnancy, stress, anxiety, rapid weight gain or loss...
The most common sign of pregnancy is missing you period. There are others such as weight gain, heartburn, increased appetite, and cravings.
There is a direct link between breastfeeding your baby and losing weight after a pregnancy. You can find out more about this on the Web MD website, under Pregnancy.
Diabetes mellitus
stress, weight loss, pregnancy, weight gain, contraception
No, a positive pregnancy test is the sign of pregnancy on the IUD.