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The most common sign of pregnancy is missing you period. There are others such as weight gain, heartburn, increased appetite, and cravings.

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Q: What are sings of pregnancy?
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How early in ones pregnancy does the earliest sings pregnancy show up?

The earliest signs of pregnancy can show as soon as three or four days in, if one is expecting one's period. Otherwise, one notices signs three to four weeks into the pregnancy.

When can you see the sings of pregnancy after ovulation period?

For most women the first sign of pregnancy is a missed menstrual period however some women experience pregnancy symptoms as early as 8-10 days past ovulation.

When did Maya Angelou have her first kid?

She was sixteen. She discusses her pregnancy and first few weeks as a mother in one of her autobiographies, "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings."

Can you be pregnant and still have a pieredJw because I am on mine and I am having pregnantcy sings and I am only 16 and I am scard so can I Ples have some help from someone ASAP?

Usually not. The most important pregnancy sign would be the LACK of the period when it is supposed to come - but that is no sure sign, either. In case of doubt, you can do a pregnancy test, or consult a doctor.

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When was I Sings created?

I Sings was created in 1999.