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=Unless you just got your period your circulation should be the same every month! If you are doing drugs or taking any kind of strong medication your cycle may become irregular. But if your period came early, and you are not putting any kind of strong drugs in your body then you should wait an see when it comes next month, then if it comes early again see a doctor!=

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Q: Is it normal to have periods in 14 days after having it regularly every 20 days for the past years?
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After a laparscopy in February you have been having your period every 6 weeks is this normal?

It can cause irregular periods.

Is it normal to have Heavy periods every 28 days for 5 days every month?

Yes, that can be normal. Periods average 3-5 days in duration and cycles average 28 days. But, if your periods are so heavy that they become a nuisance, such as having to change your tampon/pad every two hours or even less, you might want to mention this to your doctor if this is the case.

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Absolutely!!! its perfectly normal the average is to only have it every month!!!

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well first you only have it one week every month. Irregular periods are normal. If you've been having sex, you could be pregnant

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spotting can happen either before of after your period often it is dried blood if however you are worried then you should contact your gp.

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Many girls do not have regular periods when they first start having periods. As long as you are having periods every two or three months, there is no real reason for concern at this time. If your periods are very heavy, or if not being able to predict them causes you problems, you may wish to see a doctor (gynecologist) to get help in regulating them.

Is brown spotting after your period normal?

Yes it is. Our bodies change every 7 years and much of it is hormonal. Sometimes stress may be the cause of it. The only time you should worry about it is if you miss too many periods or you are having too many periods, bad cramping (if you usually don't have it) then see a doctor. The birth control pill/patch can also cause this.

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If a women is pregnant than she will miss all of her periods, until she gives birth. then she will have a period every 28 days like normal

Does marina insertion cause periods to stop?

In 20% of women, they stop having periods, or they become extremely light. I have had Marina for 7 years, and I stopped having periods. Its really nice! The body doesn't make the the thicker lining of the uterus every month, so its not necessary and perfectly safe.

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The probability is zero! There is no such thing as "normal". Every child (and adult) has some unique characteristics and that makes them not normal - in that respect.

You are 44yr old with periods every 2 weeks and have hypothyroidism is this normal?

Hypothyroidism can cause irregular periods. If you are 44 years old it can also be the beginnings of menopause. It would be best to discuss it with your doctor.