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Absolutely!!! its perfectly normal the average is to only have it every month!!!

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Q: Is it normal for your periods to be 3 days late?
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Your period was 3 days late but you started your period are you pregnant?

No, you are not pregnant. Sometimes Periods are just a little irregular, it is normal though.

How long are normal periods?

They can be as short as 3 days and as long as 7 days.

Is it normal to get your period for only 3 days if you are in your mid-twenties?

yes completely normal. A periods can last anywhere from 3 to 9 days.

Is it normal for like the last 3 periods for them to only last 2 to 3 days?

Yes. Your period can last anything from 1-8 days

How long is a normal menstrual period?

normal periods last as ling as 3-7 days it all depends

Ive had lower stomach pains off on and my periods normal for 3 days then brown and discharge is this normal as my periods normally last 7 days but seems a lot shorter and a bit weird should i see doc?

It is normal for woman to have periods like that but if it makes you feel safe and comfortable see a doc

Is it normal to have Heavy periods every 28 days for 5 days every month?

Yes, that can be normal. Periods average 3-5 days in duration and cycles average 28 days. But, if your periods are so heavy that they become a nuisance, such as having to change your tampon/pad every two hours or even less, you might want to mention this to your doctor if this is the case.

Should you be worried if you have had your period for nine days?

if it is normal for you to always have 9 day periods then that is how your body is. Other women have periods for one day at a time. Some women usually have their period for 3 to 5. Sometimes 7 days. Depends on what is NORMAL FOR YOU!

Is this normal to have periods 3 days before your periods due?

This can happen when you have taken the morning after pill or birth control pills and it can also happen when under stress or in the case of irregular periods.

Is it ok if a period is 3 days late when it's only your second?

Ya that's normal.

What does it mean when you haven't gotten your period for 3 days when you were suppose to get it?

3 days isn't very late as periods are often irregular, if you have had unprotected sex then it is possible you could be pregnant, however the more you worry about a late period the later it will come.

When your menstruation doesnt come the normal days and its come 3 days instead of 5 days does it mean that you are pregnant?

No it does not mean that you are pregnant. sometimes your periods are just shorter.