1-2days before
you most likely have a light flow but if you don't you should go to your doctor
If you have your period 2 days late, it is nothing to worry about. It is completly normal to have your period come a bit early or a bit late. However, if you haven't had it in a really long time and you usually have a regular period, you should check with your doctor to see if you are pregnant, or have any other problems.
I went to my first doctor appointment when I was seven weeks and 2days and asked her if cramping is normal and she said it is and its nothing to worry about.
Its not brown blood, its just the colour it dries so just dont worry, its normal
new moon day of kartika starts 2days prior and ends 2days after the date
The menstrual cycle is the reproductive cycle, this is when a female would conceive - I think you mean two days after her period. Yes, a female can conceive two days after her period if her cycle is short.
No it is not normal.
What was that period like? Was it heavier than normal, lighter than normal?
If you have a normal period with normal flow you are not pregnant