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Yes, during the majority of a woman's menstrual cycles, she will ovaulate but not get pregnant.

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Q: Is it normal for a woman to ovulate and not get pregnant?
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Can a woman ovulate if she is pregnant?

No; a woman will not ovulate if she is pregnant.

What can a married woman do if she wants to get pregnant very fast?

There is no magical fast way to do this just focus on when about 5 days before you ovulate and when you ovulate.

If a woman is pregnant and has sex what will the sperm do to her if the sperm is released inside of her?

Nothing, you do not ovulate when you're pregnant because you don't have a cycle.

Is ovulation and sore nipples sign of pregnancy or hormone imbalance?

You don't ovulate if you are pregnant and if you are not pregnant ovulation is perfectly normal.

What cause women to get pregnant?

when woman ovulate and sperm enters her vagina they form zygote and get pregnanant

Can a woman pregnant immediately after her period?

Yes, a woman can get pregnant immediately after her period. If she has a short menstrual cycle it is possible for her to ovulate directly after menstruation, or certainly she may be fertile directly after menstruation.

Is it possible that a woman can get pregnant after menstraution?

Yes, the most safe days are her first day of bleeding and after that you can get pregnant. A orgasm can make you start to ovulate again.

How long do you have to be off the pill before you can fall pregnant?

Typically a woman who had normal periods before using the pill will ovulate 2-4 weeks after stopping the pill. The average couple will get pregnant in six months, whether the pill was used before or never used.

Can you become pregnant 2 days after your period?

Yes. A woman can ovulate at any point during their cycle even on their period.

I just started taking prenatal vitamins and I didn't ovulate is this normal?

You might be pregnant... Prenatal vitamins do not affect ovulation.

Can a woman get pregnant near to her period?

That isn't likely to happen, unless she ovulates late in her cycles. Getting pregnant depends on when a woman ovulates, not when she has her period. Most women ovulate about 14 days after their last period.

Do you ovulate even though your already pregnant and what happens to that egg?

No you don't ovulate when you are pregnant the ovum are held back until you are no longer pregnant.