No, not that simple......But in a lot of cases it would be flirting.
On his facebook it says "Type of girl: girls with a nice smile, nice eyes and a great personality" and he said the same on his Twitter as well.
Believe her or leave her
it means hes flirting with you
If he is always flirting with you, but says that he does not like you, then he probably only wants one thing. And you know what that is. Forget him and move on.
If the girl is young (4-7) it proberly means she has a gift to give you to be nice. If she is(7-19) she wants to date you! BE HAPPY AND ASK HER OUT!
hes trying to be nice so he can get his hands in your pants quicker. hahahahah
It probably does. It depends if she was talking about your flirting.
Amelia Mason says: If you are the girl he is talking to, it doesn't necessarilly mean he is flirting, it just means that he is not rude enough to look elsewhere. If you are not the girl he is talking to, it still doesn't mean for sure that he is flirting.
if a girl tells you that you smell nice it most likely either means that you really do smell nice or they like you. With a girl you will never know.
it means that you smell horribly nice
it means that you smell horribly nice