dont run off with someone else
The girl will almost certainly think so. It does depend on the circumstances. If the guy and girl run into his parents some night at a popular restaurant, it's just what it seems; it's a casual introduction. If the guy says "I want to take you home to meet my parents", that's an altogether different thing.
He thought he would run into you... or he was there on purpose to see you or he knows you really well
It means that he's an ass and in my experience he was also abusive... Run run quick...
Run for your life- OR- You have a cool car
Run away and scream like a little girl ;)
Yes he did. Then the girl chased him.
It could mean he currently has a girlfriend and he is shopping for a new one. If this is the case, run far, run fast. If he would dump one girl to date another, he'll do it again.
Yeeeeeees mayuuuum She certainly does a - LOT . hah , she lovvvvvvey's run <3 Always & forever (: -This girl named emelisa
if you like them, go for it! if not, don't be afraid say no and run away