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if a girl tells you that you smell nice it most likely either means that you really do smell nice or they like you. With a girl you will never know.

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Q: If a girl says you smell nice does she like you?
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Related questions

What does it mean when a girl says?

it means that you smell horribly nice

What does it mean when a girl says you?

it means that you smell horribly nice

If a girl says that you smell good does that mean she likes you?

If a girl says you smell good, it just means she likes how you smell. It doesn't necessarily mean she like you.


Just be nice and agree on anything she says and you will be good

What does it mean if a girl tells you that you smell good?

It means your on the right track. And keep being nice to her.

Is it good or bad if the girl you are dating tells you you are too nice?

It depends on how she says it. If she says it sweet like "you're too nice." then she's complementing you, but if she says it like "you're TOO nice." then she means you complement her too much or you're too nice and sweet to her. Hopefully it's the first one.

If a girl says that you smell good and talks sometimes to you when she see's you means that she likes you or is she just trying to be nice?

It is possible that she likes you, but she also may just be a nice person. The best way to find out if she likes you is to be her friend.

What does it mean when a girl says you like nice?

When a girl says you are nice, it typically means that she thinks you are kind, considerate, and pleasant to be around. It could also suggest that she appreciates your positive qualities and enjoys your company.

How do you make a girl like me when she is a kid an I am a kid?

give them a flower. and be nice to them and write them a card that says you are butiful and i will always love you

What does a girl mean when she says that you are not bad?

When a girl says that you not bad means that she thinks you are a nice person. This could also mean that she likes you.

What does it mean when a guy says you have a nice butt but says he doesnt like you?

It means he thinks you have a nice butt but doesn't like you.

If a girl you just met asks you that you might seem to nice and you say no then she says are u bad and you say im nice but not to nice is this a bad sign?

no its not shes just trying to get to know you cause she might like you