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You didn't ovulate twice in one month. Your pregnancy days are acording to gestation. Even though you did not conceive until 7 weeks ago you are considered 9 weeks pregnant because it has been nine weeks since you had you last menstrual. Which is why you are always asked the first day of your last period.

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Q: I should be 7 wk pregnant but my doctor says I am 9 wk If my doctor is right I conceived 3 days after the the end of period I used no medication. Is this possible Can woman ovulate twice a month?
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It could be cause we dont ovulate sometimes when we are supposed its possible.

Is there any possible that a women may get pregnant even if they have their first menstrual period?

Yes, you ovulate before you bleed and that is when you get pregnant.

Can you be pregnant while on a period?

it is possible to get pregnant while on your period, it depends when you ovulate, i just read that some women ovulate during their period most women ovulate 14 days before their period is due

Can a woman ovulate if she is pregnant?

No; a woman will not ovulate if she is pregnant.

Is it possible to get pregnant during ovulation if using birth control pills?

You will not ovulate if you take BCPs as directed.

You took the first 6 pills of your pack and none after can you still ovulate on time to get pregnant?

You can still ovulate to get pregnant. This is possible because you only took the first 6 pills of your pill pack. Once you have stopped taking your pills, you can still ovulate similar to the situation if you missed a pill or two by accident. You can still get pregnant these ways.

Is it possible that a woman can get pregnant after menstraution?

Yes, the most safe days are her first day of bleeding and after that you can get pregnant. A orgasm can make you start to ovulate again.

Is it possible to ovulate 9 days after the first day of your period and get pregnant?

Yes. Most women ovulate 14 days after their period, but that is MOST NOT ALL. If you think you ovulated 9 days after your period (Which is possible for some women) and you had intercourse (sex) then, yes it is possible.

How likely are you to get pregnant when ovulating?

Depends on the circumstances of the penis. Was there precum? Maybe. Was there ejaculation? The chances are greater that you get pregnant during your ovulation, but some women get pregnant anytime of the month. well, just think of it this way--when you ovulate is in fact the ONLY time in which you can get pregnant. and it is possible to ovulate at any time.

Do you ovulate even though your already pregnant and what happens to that egg?

No you don't ovulate when you are pregnant the ovum are held back until you are no longer pregnant.

How do you ovulate if already pregnant?

If you ovulate and you're already pregnant, consult your doctor. It will make an interesting case-study.

If you ovulate does that mean that you can get pregnant?

Yes, it does