Whether or not a woman gets pregnant has nothing to do with how long a penis was inside her during intercourse, and everything to do with whether or not any seminal fluid makes contact with her vagina.
Size isn't important for pregnancy... sperm is what is required and that is produced in your testicles and ejaculated through your penis... So as long as you can penetrate her vagina it is long enough. So I'm only guessing ... but my pinky finger can do that ... so I fugure around 3 inches should be plenty to get a woman pregnant.
As long as a man is able to ejaculate and deposit semen inside a woman's vagina, the length of his penis usually does not affect the ability to get a female pregnant. Sperm travel through the ejaculated semen to reach the woman's egg for fertilization.
There is no specified length that a penis should be in order to fit a woman. In fact, a woman's vagina adapts to accommodate the size of a man's penis.
As long as she is comfortable with.
As long as the penis and/or semen is in contact with the vagina, there is the chance you may get pregnant.
It really doesn't matter as long as the semen is introduced into the vagina.
The lenght of the penis doesn't matter as long as you'll get sperm in your vagina.
As long as he ejaculates in you, you can be pregnant.
9 months!incase u got the woman pregnant.
as long as the penis enters the vagina.. it doesn't matter what you wear.
Dont be black out drunk... other than that you should be fine as long as you dont have an std.
No, the type , length or anything else with underwear cause her to get pregnant. A man and a woman having intercourse is needed for a woman to get pregnant.