The lenght of the penis doesn't matter as long as you'll get sperm in your vagina.
I think your asking if you can get a woman pregnant with a 3 inch penis. If you produce sperm you can usually have a baby.
Any size can get a woman pregnant.
your 1/894384 inch penis.
If you can manage to have intercourse and ejaculate then you have a chance of getting her pregnant.
Penis length has nothing to do with getting a girl pregnant. Ejaculation is what occurs, releasing semen/sperm into the female's vagina. These sperm then fertilize the egg and the female becomes pregnant. A 2 inch penis can get a girl pregnant, as well as a 12" penis as long as he ejaculates.
Contrary to what boys think, girls seldom choose partners based on their penis sizes. Penis size can increase during puberty and also many years after puberty. Even a 1 inch penis can have a erect length of more than 4 inches.
If you are pregnant, that will be news. Can she be pregnant? Possible. There are still going to be sperm in the penis. It only take 1 to do the job. Is it likely? No, Possible? Yes.
to get pregnant you have to have sexual intercourse, his penis has to enter your vagina for you to get pregnant.
The size of the penis has nothing to do with your ability to get someone pregnant. Its your sperm. So yes you can get a girl pregnant with a 4.5 in penis.
Obviously Reilly Waddington has an * inch hairy penis on her head ansd a 1 inch wonder in her pants (:
Anywhere from 1 inch to 12 inches.
cuz you have a pin