as long as the penis enters the vagina.. it doesn't matter what you wear.
If you can dream it you can do it.
If one is pregnant, they need to take off their clothes during delivery. This is a protocol for every hospital to prevent complications during the procedure.
Yes you can be nude for a massage.
nude in Tagalog: hubad
if your nude...its culture :)
The photo of Demi Moore naked and heavily pregnant was taken by the Jewish-American photographer Annie Liebowitz, and appeared on the cover of the May 1991 issue of 'Vanity Fair'. Liebowitz was herself photographed nude and pregnant a few years ago when she was 50.
none of the clothing will let you be nude if you want to be nude go to
not nude.
If she is not on birth control you have to wear a condom or there is a risk for pregnancy. The best way to protect yourself is if she is on the pill and you wear a condom.
Oh no. As long as semen can find its way inside the girl's vagina she can get pregnant. Doesn't matter if she's entirely naked or have some clothes on. You need to do a lot of homework before you're ready to start having sex.
There isn't a movie she was nude in.
Nude on the Moon was created in 1961.