The Ancient Alexandrians drank beer, and I think wine. That was a LONG time ago. Research Alexandria and it's library, I bet you'll find it interesting.
Hand sanitizers have been around since the late 1960s. The use of alcohol-based hand sanitizers has become more common in recent years due to their effectiveness in killing germs and preventing the spread of disease.
Math has been around for ever because we use math everyday like at the store or stuff.
With use of genetic and fossil evidence, sea otters have been around for at least 5 million years.
Wizards aren't real. So, logically speaking, they were never "around." Of course, you can use your imagination and pretend that they have been around for a while. ;) But otherwise, wizards were never around.
Brain Damage Malnutrition
Alcohol use makes a person susceptible to epileptic fits. This is the case if they have not been diagnosed as epileptic or had a fit. If the person who drinks alcohol is epileptic, the efficacy of their anti - epileptic medication is counteracted by the alcohol.
Mercury is a pretty stable liquid, and won't freeze. But, given the scare about mercury poisoning, the thermometers that have been around for decades and use alcohol have been getting more popular.
You use alcohol in a sentence by asking the question, "How do you use alcohol in a sentence?"OK,sorry, how about: Whisky contains alcohol.Alcohol is bad for you because it damages your heart.
Mercury is a pretty stable liquid, and won't freeze. But, given the scare about mercury poisoning, the thermometers that have been around for decades and use alcohol have been getting more popular.
-Mouthwash with alcohol -peroxide -alcohol -Don't put chapstick/lip balm around the actual piercing. You can use it just not on it.
Brain Damage Malnutrition