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Bzoink has been available only for a few years for people to use. It started in a very small way in the 1990s and expanded slowly. It has not yet reached every continent.

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Q: How long has Bzoink been available for people to use?
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It has been there as long as people can remember, so it is not known who first saw it and when that was. There have been people in Ireland for at least 8000 years.It has been there as long as people can remember, so it is not known who first saw it and when that was. There have been people in Ireland for at least 8000 years.It has been there as long as people can remember, so it is not known who first saw it and when that was. There have been people in Ireland for at least 8000 years.It has been there as long as people can remember, so it is not known who first saw it and when that was. There have been people in Ireland for at least 8000 years.It has been there as long as people can remember, so it is not known who first saw it and when that was. There have been people in Ireland for at least 8000 years.It has been there as long as people can remember, so it is not known who first saw it and when that was. There have been people in Ireland for at least 8000 years.It has been there as long as people can remember, so it is not known who first saw it and when that was. There have been people in Ireland for at least 8000 years.It has been there as long as people can remember, so it is not known who first saw it and when that was. There have been people in Ireland for at least 8000 years.It has been there as long as people can remember, so it is not known who first saw it and when that was. There have been people in Ireland for at least 8000 years.It has been there as long as people can remember, so it is not known who first saw it and when that was. There have been people in Ireland for at least 8000 years.It has been there as long as people can remember, so it is not known who first saw it and when that was. There have been people in Ireland for at least 8000 years.

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