Evony was made just other 2 years ago
It all depends you may have to refresh your browser's, clear you cache. Exit out of the browser and try again. If you still cant, check if evony is down or if you have been banned.
yes u can download desktop evony
One company that makes a great deal of games similar to Evony is GameForge DE, who make the grandfather of online games like Evony, called Ogame. The most similar one to Evony is Ikariam. In both cases, don't expect games to come to any kind of conclusion. server 1 of Ogame formed in 2002 and has been running since. ogame.org ikariam.org
No there isnt. There are no type of cheats in evony. The site is cheat-proof. P.S. I wish there was a money generator for evony also.
not been playing long but every time you make a change it saves it.
Evony was made just other 2 years ago
Access Evony through a Facebook account. There's how people create those long player names that also include spaces. You can't create them directly within Evony.
It all depends you may have to refresh your browser's, clear you cache. Exit out of the browser and try again. If you still cant, check if evony is down or if you have been banned.
Evony happened in 2009.
Evony age II is now out.
In order to get soldiers in Evony, you have to create a building called a Barracks in your city. Then as you gradually upgrade the level of this Barracks, more types of soldiers that are, in some cases, stronger and more effective, become available. Hope this helped!
yes u can download desktop evony
It's not on evony
You buy coins from them or get a membership from evony
You can't end an Evony account, but you can be inactive.
One company that makes a great deal of games similar to Evony is GameForge DE, who make the grandfather of online games like Evony, called Ogame. The most similar one to Evony is Ikariam. In both cases, don't expect games to come to any kind of conclusion. server 1 of Ogame formed in 2002 and has been running since. ogame.org ikariam.org