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yes u can download desktop evony

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Q: Can you or can you not get evony offline?
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Related questions

Do you gain resources while ofline in evony?

You do gain resources while you are offline

Is there a singleplayer offline game like evony?

Try one of the Settlers games?

Can players attack you while you are offline in the game Evony?

Yes they can, but you also collect resources well you are offline. They do that because otherwise the time to attack people would be so slim,

Will evony still play when you turn itoff?

yes, evony is a MMORTS (Massively Multiplayer Online Real-Time Strategy) which means in runs in real time and does not require you to be logged in for things to run. Resources will accumulate at their per-hour rate whilst you are offline.

When did Evony happen?

Evony happened in 2009.

Is there a Game like evony without war?

there is something similar called stronghold2 you may make a city with or without war you choose but if you dont want war it is offline. You could also try Antzzz, it is an online strategy game very similar to Evony except you play as ants building a kingdom. So there is no violence or war.

Will there be a new Evony?

Evony age II is now out.

Where is cape town in the online game world of evony?

It's not on evony

How do you get a free special evony key?

You buy coins from them or get a membership from evony

How do you end a evony account?

You can't end an Evony account, but you can be inactive.

Is there a evony coin generator?

No there isnt. There are no type of cheats in evony. The site is cheat-proof. P.S. I wish there was a money generator for evony also.

What are some evony cheats?

There are no evony cheats. There might be some on youtube, but they do not work