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People have been hunting since the dawn of history. people have been poaching since land and the animals became possessions.

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Q: How long have people been hunting how long have peopple been poaching?
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What are the threats to a south china tiger?

deforestation, hunting, poaching, and even pollution have been major factors. There is a law prohibiting hunting of this tiger, but many people ignore it. here's a website:

Why are Siberian tiger endagerd?

Because we have been poaching it. Because we have been poaching it.

Why are Bengal tigers endanerd?

All tiger subspecies are endangered for pretty much the same reasons, loss of habitat and poaching for body parts. There has been no legal hunting for these great cats for decades, but poaching by poor peoples for the quack Chinese medicine trade remains a problem.

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Why are gray wolves dying?

Human taking over their natural habitat.Cause of humans hunting, poaching, spreading diseases and taking out wolves's natural habitats

What year did poaching start?

Poaching has likely been happening for thousands of years, as humans have historically relied on hunting wild animals for food and resources. However, the term "poaching" in the context of illegal hunting for profit or sport began to gain prominence in the 17th and 18th centuries with the advent of stricter wildlife conservation laws.

What cased the white tiger to be on the endangered list?

All tigers have been endangered due to poaching, hunting for sport, and habitat loss. White tigers are only genetic flaws of the Bengal tiger.

Are humans elephant predators?

Humans are not natural predators of elephants. However, there have been instances of hunting and poaching of elephants by humans for their tusks and other body parts. Conservation efforts are being made to protect elephants from such threats and ensure their survival in the wild.

What is the history of poaching?

AnswerPoaching (if defined as the hunting of endangered species or hunting species to extinction) has gone on since before written or recorded history. However, poaching defined as an illegal act of hunting a specified animal, goes back to before B.C. to the times of the ancient empires. However, modern poaching goes back to the late middle ages, when kings were the only ones to hunt specified animals, or were the only ones allowed to hunt in certain areas. If a peasant were caught hunting from said areas or animals, he or she could be executed regardless if they did it out of necessity.

What are the vicuna's enemies?

The vicuna is a member of the camelid family. The enemies of the vicuna are people. People have been poaching them, mining in their habitat, and polluting their streams and environment.

What is poaching?

Poaching refers to the illegal capturing, killing or hunting of wild animals especially those in a protected piece of land.