Three to five days when ONLY being around it a couple of times.
Being around it for a whole week could jeopardize your chances of coming out clean.
Odds are you're more than likely to fail, and drinking water (only massive amounts will it not work. It'll dilate you're urine and they'll have to send it to a lab to have further specimen tests done. That and you can get water intoxication. YES THAT IS REAL), showers and whatever bull you probably hear will not help.
Bleach can kill you.
Vinegar? Sure, video tape it and show me when you're puking your brains out.
THC sticks to your fat cells.
Resource - Wikipedia
"The efficacy of urine testing is debatable due to systematic oxidant not generally available in the classic adulterants category because of its corrosive nature. Stealth is an enzyme system that generates hydrogen peroxide.
There are many reasons that an individual may produce a dilute urine specimen, the majority of which are the result of normal physiological processes (e.g. pregnancy, Diabetes, a diet high in water etc.) specific circumstances, or an individual's personal characteristics (e.g., body type, sex, race, athleticism). Because dilute specimens are relatively common for these reasons, neither the HHS Guidelines nor the U.S. Department of Transportation Procedures for Transportation Workplace Drug and Alcohol Testing Programs permit further processing of negative and dilute specimens. Specific gravity testing can be done to identify whether or not the sample is of dilute nature.
Adulteration tests can detect the use of some of these "detox" products. Adulteration tests analyze the properties of the urine to identify if the sample is abnormal. Such properties include the pH and specific gravity of the urine. They also test the level of creatinine, nitrite, glutaraldehyde, specific gravity, bleach and pyridinium chlorochromate."
Don't be a dumb.
Personally, I've taken at home drug tests and shown up positive for THC from second hand weed smoking. I'm a teen mother and my step-sister smokes and I went to her house a couple times before and later that week showed up VERY positive for THC.
I do not do drugs, drink nor smoke. I love my little girl too much to ever think twice about illegal abuse, besides my father is a police officer. :)
Depending on hos much smoke was arround, 1 to 3 days at the most.
If not doing shotguns,(inhaling do to reverse blowing by another), not long enough to worry. Unless you sit in a room with 5 or more potheads smoking on their own separate stashes at the exact same a very very small closet...on a regular basis. Not very likely...most pot heads that smoke in a closet don't have their own stashes... You'll be fine....relax.....smoke a joint bro....
two weeks
Depending on the potency of the marijuana and the consistency of the second hand smoke, it is possible though.
I dont believe second hand Marijuana does anything bad to the baby when you are pregnant. Second hand smoke from Tobacco is infinitely worse for you than second hand Marijuana.
It can depending on how exposed to it you are. But very unlikely to show up.
Second hand smoke..
Yes, you can feel affects of second hand smoke.
Second hand marijuana smoke (unless maby you are all in a sealed car and 4 other people pass out from smoking too much) is not detectable in a drug test.
can second hand smoke of pcp get in a person system
Second hand marijuana smoke is 30 times as potent as being exposed to the initial dose of smoke.
Because it is weed, and weed is good for your health.
It's not as bad as second hand smoke from cigarettes, but it's still pretty unhealthy, especially for an infant.
The only way you would get thc in your system is if you eat or smoke it. You might inhale second hand weed smoke if someone is in a car or in an enclosed small room.