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Q: How is water helpful in maintaining a healthy body?
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Why is drinking water important to maintain a healthy excretory system?

For maintaining body glucose

Why proper nutrition and regular exercise are important in maintaining a healthy body?

The importance of maintaining a healthy body is that once you get sick or develope a disease you can pull strength from yourself and help conquer your malady. Maintaining a healthy spiritual body is sometimes just as important for you can seek solace in your time of need

Why is it important to maintaining a healthy body?

because when you`re not healthy you can`t do the stuff you want to do

What substance plays a vital role in maintaining healthy skin and hair insulating body organs against shock maintaining body temperature and promoting healthy cell function?


What is the downfall of not maintaining a healthy lifestyle?

that you don't do enough exercise for your body

Why do you think water is important?

Water is crucial for human survival as it helps regulate body temperature, aids in digestion, and transports nutrients and oxygen throughout the body. It is also essential for maintaining overall health and well-being by hydrating the body and supporting various bodily functions. Additionally, water plays a key role in maintaining healthy skin, organs, and cells.

Why is it necessary that health workers have a basic understanding of the fundamental principles of maintaining a healthy body (50—75 words)?

Why is it necessary that health workers have a basic understanding of the fundamental principles of maintaining a healthy body (50—75 words)?

Which organ has the job of conserving water and keeping it in your body?

Both the skin and the kidneys have the job of maintaining water balance in your body.

What substance plays a role in maintaining healthy hair and skin and insulates body organs from shock?

Collagen is the substance that plays a role in maintaining healthy hair and skin, as well as insulating body organs from shock. It is a protein that provides structure and support to the body's tissues.

What most of the bodys water exits as?

Most of the body's water exits as urine, which is produced by the kidneys filtering waste and excess fluids from the blood. Sweat and breathing also contribute to water loss, but urine is the primary route for excreting excess water and maintaining a healthy balance within the body.

Is snot healthy?

Snot can be helpful to the body. It traps foreign particles and helps the body get them out. It can also be a problem.

What are the struggles with regard to a healthy body weight?

There are always struggles with maintaining a healthy body weight. These struggles include eating healthy foods, making wise bodily choices, and finding enough time to exercise.