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Ecstasy is generally swallowed in pill form. Pure MDMA, (ecstasy) however, can come in a crystallized unpressed form known as "molly". These crystals may be administered orally, rectally, nasally, or intravenously

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Ecstasy can be taken in three ways.

Most commonly.. Orally (swallowed)

Crushed and then snorted (can be more harsh than powdered MDMA due to other ingredients such as tabletting agents (so it sticks together as a pill)

or less commonly to 'plug' the pill (inserting into the rectum)

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βˆ™ 13y ago

-you can swallow it (make sure you drink OJ if you want your high to be induced, and it makes it easier to swallow)

-you can crumble it and crush it to tiny bits and make lines to snort (i tried it, it doesn't burn just tickles your nostril a little bit and is disgusting as F**K when you taste it in your throat/mouth)

i am on a quad stack of yellow puma right now and it's great. i took my pocket knife and carved a little corner off and crushed it to snort. then i bit off half of it and drank OJ. took about 45 minutes to an hour til i started to feel it (and this is my first time doing ecstasy).

after about an hour in a half later i took the rest of the pill and to this minute i still feel like dancing (techno is the best type of music to listen to, even if you don't like it you'll love it when your on ecstasy), I'm twitchy, my pupils are HUGE, and i feel like touching any and everything and i just feel really talkative.

when it first started to kick in though, i felt as if i was PMSing (felt irritable, b!tchy and had an attitude to whoever i talked to) but then when it started to settle i felt like i loved everything and everyone.

wouldn't mind buying another one but their expensive as F**K! $22 for my pill. (ONE pill, but that's in the bay area so depending on your area the price range can change.)

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Ecstasy is almost always swallowed in 60 to 120 mg pills. It is frequently snorted or taken in a liquid form through injection.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Exctacy can be swallowd chewed for a faster hit snorted rarly injected or smoked but it will work i would just swallow it or chew it

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βˆ™ 14y ago

It can either be swallowed like a normal pill, for a long lasting high, or you can snort it, for a shorter, more intense high.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

well you can take it orally, you can snort it, or the least common of them all is taking it as a suppository. these are the only possible ways to take ecstasy.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

The most common way is to swallow an ecstasy pill with water.

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What is the dose for Ecstasy?

Ecstasy is generally taken in doses of 125 milligrams, although effects are observable by ingestion of as little as 60 milligrams

Can you take ecstasy?

Ecstasy is almost always swallowed in 60 to 120 mg pills. It is frequently snorted or taken in a liquid form through injection.

How are the drugs of ecstasy taken into the body?

Swallowed in pill form, or crushed and snorted

Do you see stuff when you are on ecstasy?

Taking ecstasy can make one see things that are not really there in reality. Some people who have taken ecstasy claim to have seen angels and demons standing in front of them. Some say that ecstasy just makes them sensitive to certain lighting. However, ecstasy's effects on people vary greatly. Some do not feel ecstasy, while some feel it greatly.

How will ecstasy effect a baby that breast feeds?

Ecstasy would probably cause the baby to have physical defects and become malnourished. If the ecstasy was taken during pregnancy, the baby probably already had mental and physical defects. Do not breastfeed if you do or have done drugs!

How long does ecstasy stay in your system if taken once?

if taken once how long does it stay in your system and you only took half of a pill of ecstacy

What kinds of salty foods should you give someone that has taken ecstasy?

anchovies smothered in butter

How long does ecstasy stay in your system for saliva drug test?

Ecstasy can stay in the system for 3-5 days ,depending on your body mass and how many you have taken.

Is there anyway to dull the effects of ecstasy?

Yes - taking less ecstasy, maybe half a pill or a quarter of a pill... If you have already taken it, just wait. Maybe eating something could help...

How is ecstasy abused?

The same way any drug is abused, it's taken too often or in too high a dose.