there are no known drugs that are somewhat like Ecstasy!
Ecstasy would probably cause the baby to have physical defects and become malnourished. If the ecstasy was taken during pregnancy, the baby probably already had mental and physical defects. Do not breastfeed if you do or have done drugs!
it isn't addicting at all but it can be a gateway to other drugs after ecstasy isn't enough
Ecstasy can stay in the system for 3-5 days ,depending on your body mass and how many you have taken.
Drugs Inc- - 2010 Ecstasy 2-3 was released on: USA: 8 January 2012
Call the police.
Brain ofcourse!
marijuana sleeping pills cocaine and ecstasy marijuana sleeping pills cocaine and ecstasy
Yes, all club drugs like Ecstasy and Speed are illegal.
yes she does ecstasy and takes painkillers