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Q: How do you make the swelling of a cyst go down?
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How do you make swelling go down quick in the nose?

Ice, as it causes bruising to go down.

Will warm water soaking make the swelling go down?

Helll noANS 2 - Swelling is usually aided by an icepack.

How do you make the swelling on your penis to go down after a circumcision?

just wait for it to heal

How do you make the swelling on your cheek piercing go down?

put an ice bag on it

How can you make the swelling of your fat lip go down within two days?

ice it

How do you make the swelling go down after getting your lip piereced?

i have never had my lip pierced, but my friend did and it swelled up, so she put ice on it and the swelling went down. try it. i hope it works for you.

What helps a monroe piercing swelling go down?

Drink plenty of cold fluids.Eat a lot of ice so the swelling can go down.

How do you make the swelling in your throat go down?

You might make the swelling in your throat go down by taking Benadryl or another antihistamine to combat the allergic reaction. It is always important to seek medical attention if your throat swells.

Does ice makes spots go away?

yes waffles do indeed smell nice but ice does make spots go away it brings down swelling!

How long does it take swelling on your vagina to go down after sex?

it is not swelling it is sign of sexully charge as time to need you to get calm down from sexual Arousal pour some mild warm water inside and outside of vagina swelling will go

What does an uninfected Bartholin's gland cyst cause?

Symptoms of an uninfected Bartholin's gland cyst include a painless jump on one side of the vulva area (most common symptom) and redness or swelling in the vulva area

How do you swelling throat go down?

Try gargling salt water or go to your doctor