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Its not actually the shoulder your grabbing. You grab underneath the acromial (clavicle bone) and there is a pressure point there. You can press it hard enough so they pass out but not fall asleep.

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Q: How do you make someone fall asleep by grabbing their shoulder?
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How do you fall asleep on a guys shoulder?

Very carefully.

How do you make somebody fall asleep by grabbing there thumb?

You cannot make someone fall asleep with pressure points. You may be able to knock someone out with a pressure point but that is not the reason to even try to use them.

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Yes...A narcoleptic can fall asleep at anytime whatsoever.

If you fall asleep on someone and they fall asleep as well does that mean you slept together?

well yes you slept together!

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Can someone die if they fall asleep in the bath?

Yes.They wil breathe with their nose if they fall asleep and breathe in water instead of air and die.

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Can someone go to sleep in ten seconds?

It's unlikely for someone to fall asleep in ten seconds, as the process of falling asleep typically takes longer. Factors such as relaxation, environment, and individual sleep patterns all influence how quickly someone can fall asleep.

Is thinking about someone before you fall asleep normal?

Of course it's normal. Everyone thinks about something or someone before falling asleep, it would be impossible not to do so.

What is the difference between fall asleep and fell asleep?

Fall asleep is future tense Ex. I am going to fall asleep. Fell asleep is past tense Ex. I fell asleep.

How do you make sleeping potions?

you cant really make sleeping potions. you can make someone (or yourself) fall asleep by watching a really boring boring movie late at night and you will fall asleep :)

Is it true that if you dream of someone they thought about you before they fell asleep?

Nobody knows.I go by that theory but what I really think it is that YOU think of them before you fall asleep.