miercoles noche is spanish for wednesday night me siento bien is im feeling fine
How do you know you are pregnant in the first place?
Originally Nina Simone - Feeling Good - Can be heard on you tubebut has also been sung by - Michael Buble
Even if you are breast feeding and you do get pregnant , you can know by the morning sickness and the urine test report if you are pregnant or not.
no sweety,that's just a sign telling you that your PERIOD is about to come.
You can't! Go to the doctor or get a home pregnancy test. or go to planned parenthood and start using birth control methods
please someone help i dont know whats going on with me i really want to be pregnant but i have a feeling that im not. :[
Miss period?
When you do the ultrasound they see it.
You could be. Take a pregnancy test
Are you pregnant?
No, most people don't get symptoms as early as that