You can't! Go to the doctor or get a home pregnancy test. or go to planned parenthood and start using Birth Control methods
Are you pregnant?
Does it mean im pregnant when my stomach thumps on my left side
Visit your doctor
dont worry im about 4 weeks take a pregnancy test
Im 39 weeks pregnant and have got constant stomach ache too. It doesnt matter if Im sitting down, walking or lying down, my stomach is constantly aching. I would like to know what it means too.
I sometime get that feeling to . i believe it just muscle spasms. im not quite sure though thought i had it for a while more than 9 months lol so it ain't from pregnancy.
Maybe it is heartburn. It could also be a regular stomach ache if it isn't constant or just happened once.
There are many reason why you could have stomach aches, just go see a doctor.
if i spot after my period does that mean im pregnant
it means that your uterus is stretching for the baby to come, im also almost 7 weeks (in 2 days to be exact) and im expierencing the same pains
How do you know you are pregnant in the first place?
its not necessarily a feeling... that normally doesnt come til later, when the baby is more developed, but you may be nauseous and youll miss your period... i suggest a pregnancy test.