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Well, you probably should see a doctor. In the mean time, if there is a fresh injury, apply cold. If the injury is older, apply heat. Keep the area warm. If there is pain or infection or any foul odor at all see the doctor ASAP.

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Q: How do you get rid of swelling on your cheek?
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How do you stop cheek swelling i didn't get my wisdom teeth out and I'm pretty sure I'm not allergic to anything i woke up and my cheek and a little bit of my neck hurt and my cheek was swelling?

The cheek swelling was caused by bacterial infection, which food debris to the periodontal pocket of your wisdom tooth resulted in. Usually metronidazole and cefaclor should be taken orally about one week. The wisdom tooth need to be pulled out until the cheek swelling cure.

Where can you find information on swelling of the cheek after going to the dentist?

Hi, You need to see your doctor or dentist. The swelling on your cheek may be due to treatment the dentist performed or a mouth ulcer.

What could cause swelling in your right cheek attached to muscle but no pain?

If you have swelling in your right cheek that is attached to your muscle, but there's no pain, this could be caused from a bruise. It's a good idea to see a doctor if it persists.

How do you make the swelling on your cheek piercing go down?

put an ice bag on it

What can you do to get rid of swelling on the lip?

Try using ice

How do you get rid of swelling in the forehead?

Apply an ice pack.

How do you get rid of risen between your butt cheek?

To treat a rash between your butt cheeks, you can try keeping the area clean and dry, avoid tight clothing, and use an over-the-counter cream or ointment to soothe the irritation. If the rash persists or worsens, it's recommended to consult a healthcare professional for further evaluation and treatment.

What are some risks of a cheek lift?

Any surgery has a risk of complications. Some of the risks of a cheek lift include loss of sensation in the face, bruising or swelling, internal bleeding and blood clot.

How can you get rid of swelling pain under your ears?

use of inflammatory drugs

How do you get rid of swelling from arthritis hand?

By finding an appropriate anti inflamatory.

How do you get rid of child's lump on forehead from hitting table?

you cannot get rid of bruseing if there is any, but to get rid of swelling, ice. you let it heal with time and you ice the head

What is Lanosil used for?

Lanosil is typically used as a treatment for fungal infections of the skin, such as athlete's foot, jock itch, and ringworm. It contains an antifungal agent that helps to kill the fungus and relieve associated symptoms like itching, redness, and irritation. It is usually applied directly to the affected area as a cream or ointment.