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Apply an ice pack.

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Q: How do you get rid of swelling in the forehead?
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How do you get rid of child's lump on forehead from hitting table?

you cannot get rid of bruseing if there is any, but to get rid of swelling, ice. you let it heal with time and you ice the head

Will swelling to forehead cause a black eye?

Swelling to the forehead may not directly cause a black eye. A black eye typically occurs when there is bruising or bleeding around the eye due to trauma. Swelling and discoloration may develop near the eye if the forehead swelling is significant and extends to the eye area.

What could a strange painless swelling be on your forehead above your a?

A strange painless swelling on your forehead above your eye could be a pimple. If it grows to a large size, consult your doctor.

How do you get rid of acne on your forehead?

I have been trying to get rid of it almost forever and i think the best thing i have tryed is putting lemon on a cotton ball and rub it in on my forehead

What can you do to get rid of the swelling and pain if you hit your forehead and it swelled up and your eyes and nose are all swollen?

Get a bag of frozen peas and wrap it in a damp tea towel and pop it on for 5 minutes at a time that will help reduce swelling and pain. Also you could take some anti-inflammory painkillers.

How do you reduce swelling my toddler's forehead after he bumped it hard in the doorway?

You can try putting a cool icepack on their forehead

How to get rid of pimples on forehead It has been 2 months since the pimples acne wont go Its only on my forehead No where else on my face Does anyone know how to get rid of it fast?


Forehead bumps due to injury?

Bumps happen when you get hurt. The bump is just swelling.

What can you do to get rid of swelling on the lip?

Try using ice

What can you do to get rid of the swelling and pain if you hit your forehead and it swelled after cure of wound?

Well, you might be allergic to some medicine that you took. If so, try ice ,and heat. Not at the same time of course though! If still no good results after a day or two, see your doctor

If a car trunk lets down on your forehead and leaves dent and swelling with a headache should you get examined by doctor?

That's what happend to me. I got a small dent it might be a cut I don't know. And huge swelling on my forehead. And only if your headache persists for more than 5 hours and gets worse go see a doctor. Anyways keep ice on the swelling!

Could a scalp sunburn cause forehead and eye swelling?

no YES...the sun can cause swelling in your forehead and eyes..Ive seen it many times.Theres not much you can do except to ice it and wait it out.Some people have a reaction to the sun even if they never have before..your body reacts with fluid build up.