Unless she is pregnant, or you are her sex partner, you will have to ask.
ask her
You generally can't. There aren't any visible signs of being sexually active or not being sexually active, unless you see them in the act.
It is possible to tell if someone is sexually active from a blood test. This will be done in addition to other clinical tests so as to be certain.
You can usually tell when a women is sexually active because of their behaviour. they seem happier but more secretive and not normal.
You should not experience pregnancy symptoms just because you starting becoming sexually active.
sexually active or not this is a bad idea!
Once a girl has begun to menstruate (get her period), then she is able to have a baby and become sexually active.
why wouldn't it be
Is perfectly OK to confine in your mom that you are sexually active, the best she can do is to take you to a doctor. You don't want to fool around in catch any viruses.
25% of sexually white male teens have had sex with a black girl
You tell them the truth... nothing else to do
Yes the Dr. can tell if you are active and there is a privacy law about telling your parents.If you dont want them to know tell your Dr. At 18 you are no longer considered a minor and the privacy act would not allow the doctor to tell your guardian. You don't have to say a thing because you are an adult now.
It depends entirely on the individual ! Puberty in girls can happen as young as 8 or 9 years old - or as late as 20. As for being 'sexually active' that is solely the responsibility of the girl.