She is all happy and not cranky and she is in a good mood and she starts sucking up to people that she never did before.
If you can forgive your sister, you can forgive your boyfriend. It doesn't necessarily mean that you should stay with your boyfriend. Cheating is cheating and if that is not acceptable to you, you should find someone who will respect that wish.
You are not related to your boyfriend's sister, although you and she may be friends. If you were to marry your boyfriend, she would be your sister-in-law.
NO its not ok to date your sister ex boyfriend that nasty to date your sister ex boyfriend i would never date my sister ex boyfriend and i hope she wont date my ex boyfriend
If you know you boyfriend has feelings for your sister you should leave him! How could you live with the fact that the man you love is thinking about your sister in a way he never should. I hope you have a nice family who can support you and agree that nothing should ever happen with your boyfriend and sister, if it does...i'm sorry.
Absent any other twists... your sister's boyfriend is also your cousin, for example, so that your sister's boyfriend's cousin is your brother or something... it is completely fine to date your sister's boyfriend's cousin if you want to.
You can try to find a boyfriend for your sister so she wouldn't even care your husband.
Tamera's boyfriend
Christina Cimorelli has a boyfriend.
Tell the sister that her boyfriend is disrespecting you. She should settle it. Tell the boyfriend that you do not appreciate him disrespecting you. Other than that, there is really nothing you can do.
her sister ella boyfriend (in angel) is iggy. igg is in maximum ride flock.
Do you have a sister ???
Her name.