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it depends on that girl. it might hurt, but that girl could get used to it.

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Q: Does sex hurt the first time for girls?
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A girl's "cherry is popped" when she has sex with a man for the first time.

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when girls a first time sex any one that shuld be blood come out

Can a woman love sex than a man'?

yes, but mostly a man would want to have sex before for a while and might like it more. mostly man likes it more though or they can both like it the same however if its a girls first time it might hurt but not to the man.

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not all girls think about sex all the time

Does it hurt girls during sex?

Everyone told me it did.. So when it was time to have sex I was really scared to because everyone told me it hurts.! But it's a good type of pain.. And it's just for a while so dot worry!.

What if your a 16 year old virgin and your scared of sex that it might hurt how bad does it hurt and is it worth it and what kind of hurt?

Don't do it! Sex can be scary, especially the first time. And it can hurt -- at least at first. That's why you want to wait until you meet someone you can trust, who will care as much about you as about himself (or herself). Please trust me on this. Sex can be a wonderful thing, but if your first experience is bad, it can spoil it for the future. It's your body, and you should do what feels right for you -- don't get pushed into something you don't want.

How is sex the first time?

It's best not to have high expectations for your first time. It will likely hurt at least a bit if you are a woman, and men will be nervous and probably not perform at their best. It gets better over time.

What are the reasons for girls not to bleed their first time?

It is not common for girls to bleed on there first time but anyways i was having sex wiff mi girl and then her mommy walked in and i craped myself and ran home crying :(. M Doggy dog out

What you think of the opposite sex eg girls boys are all-?

I think that girls love more than boys and in the long run get hurt more than the boys.

Is there a way it wont hurt your first time?

i am not aswering this question. but i had sex 3 times and i love it. you start by kissing in bed then to strip each other then girls remove your bras and underwear then hold your men and make some bad decissions with each other and boys take of your underwear and and shrit and grab your girl kiss like you never kissed before. boys: place your weany in the girl vergina then move it in and out . girls : i might hurt but you will love the resalt. A BABY. I LOVE SEX YOU WILL TO.

Why won't any one tell me will sex hurt if you haven't done it in five years?

It might hurt a little the first few times you have sex again.