I think that girls love more than boys and in the long run get hurt more than the boys.
Huh? There are only 3 girls and 3 boys! But I do know that the girls are 5 and the boys are 6.
football, looks, and skateboarding (but girls can do all those things but boys just THINK)
po and lala are girls . dipsy and tinkywinky are boys i think...
Some boys not all find fat girls unattractive but they dont think that its about the personality not the looks! or Their stereotyped jerks if they think that
No. boys love/hate girls, while girls... are just girls. well it all depends when girls are bisexual the intend to be closer than a boy and a girl so it bascally depends
mostly girls think that all the boys have only one seance to think which is totally wrong . i think every person has its own ability to think . so it is my request to all the girls to think about it
Cinema is all i can think of
Boys are better than girls. Girls are better than boys. Each has its strong points and weaK points. Boys generally make better fathers and girls generally make better mothers.
most girls do only boring girls dont
yes boys would look at girls if they were freaks, they lok at them because they are weird.
Because straight boys are homophobic in other words they hate gays(note:not all straight boys hate gay boys), while gay girls are girls they are from the opposite sex so basically they would like girls but probably they would like straight girls better than gay girls.
I think Girls are better because girls are good at everything!!!!! Tennis is a sport for both boys and girls. All people can play tennis no matter of gender.