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Q: Does sex hurt the first time after obstaining for a few months?
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i got mine done like four months ago it hurt the first time cus i did it wrong but if u get it right it dossent hurt at all

Do braces hurt the first time putting on?

They hurt for about a 2 weeks and then it stops hurting.

In what trimester is the fetus most vulnerable to teratogens?

The first three months, which is the time of organ generation, is the riskiest time.

Is it normal to be a week late but your breasts hurt and you had a clear milky discharge and cramps but had sex for the first time in 5 months?

No it's not normal, these symptoms are cause by pregnancy. Good luck!

Which month is safe to abort the child?

no month is safe to abort a baby because it could not only hurt the baby but it could severly hurt you too. the safest time to abort a baby is in the first 4 months but the baby already has a body and a brain and its heart should be beating already. I aborted a baby before when i was five months pregnant and i almost bleed to death, the doctors could not stop me from bleeding. but first four months. it will stick with you for the rest of your life. but u do have a choice

Is it supposed to hurt when getting a blowjob for the first time?

No. If both are reasonable careful, there is no reason why it should hurt.

Do contacts lenses hurt when you put them in the first time?

Not at all, but they are slightly annoying at first

When was the last time you did something for the first time?

A few months ago.

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72 hours

How do I get him to talk to me again?

yes it does take time.. Dont text or call him dont let him know your still hurt. me and my ex boyfriend broke up 8 months ago at first he blocked me on kik because i wouldnt stop sending him depressing sh** about how uch he hurt me and now he calls me his best friend time is everyhing

Does the period go away for 3 months if it is the first time you get it?

No, you could get your second period 6 months after your first one.

How much jail time will a first time offender get if they are convicted of battery on an elderly man in Florida?

The doesn't matter if the man's seinor, it does matter how much u hurt him. If u didn't hurt him hard it'll be $500 fine and a week in the slammer. If u hurt him real bad, it'll be $2500 fine and 3 months in he slammer. Just because it's Florida, it makes no difference.