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Q: Does physical health refers to the degree of functionality of a person's body?
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Physical health problems experienced by victims of trafficking in persons can include?

Broken bones and Respiratory Problems

What most directly impacts a persons physical health?

Food and nutrition

A overall degree of health and wellness?

If you are in e2020, it is Health Continuum

What is mental and physical health?

Physical health is a persons physiological condition, relative to 'healthy' individuals of similar age, gender, etc...; this includes all organs including your brain. While a persons mental health deals with one's psychological function and condition relative to those psychologically 'healthy'. One who is physically healthy is not always mentally healthy, and visa versa; although there usually is a positive correlation between a person's physical and psychological well being.

Why would a persons self-esteem affect his or her health?

because low self-esteem comes from a bad diet, which is bad for a person's physical and mental/emotional health!

Where can I get my Physical Therapist Degree?

Schools such as colleges and universities offers Physical Therapist degree. Some of this schools are Alabama State University, The University of Alabama at Birmingham, University of South Alabama and AT Still University of Health Sciences.

Is metal health interrelated to physical?

The two can definitely be correlated. Mental health problems like depression are very common among people who have physical health problems. The amount of stress, limitations, and degree of effect on the individuals overall quality of life can certainly result in different mental health concerns.

What is the Importance of health analysis?

Health analysis is assessing a persons state of health. This can be especially helpful, and is often a requirement for pre-employment medicals; to match the suitability of a person to the physical demands of a job. An annual check up with your family doctor can highlight health problems before adverse health conditions occur. This is especially recommended after age 40 years. Blood tests, Urinalysis, E.C.G.(electrocardiograph, .. mapping the heart function) and physical examination are pretty much what is needed to give a good overview of a persons state of health. Physical assessment after an injury or illness has resolved is also important to maintain optimal health and prevent any recurrence.

How and where can you get an associated degree for mental health?

How and where can you get an associated degree for mental health?

How can you prevent pinta?

Good personal hygiene and general health may help prevent infections. In general, avoid physical contact with persons who have skin lesions.