The contents of synthetic weed are varied and often unknown. What chemicals have been added to the contents is also very suspect. The affects it may have on a specific individual cannot be determined ahead of time.
You can't. After two or three days, your body will make you fall asleep.
some people think if u fold the ears then twist them it'll make them fall asleep. but I've never tried it
there are so many reasons to why kids fall asleep in school!! One reason is that many teachers don't make the lessons fun and keep kids awake. Another reason is that the kids don't take part in group disscutions. Also, some kids go to sleep so late that they can't concentrate in the mornings.Here are some things for kids to do:PINCH YOURSELF just stay awake@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
Milk synthesis and production is an involuntary action of the cow's body, thus occurs when the cow is either asleep or awake.
Anything Coldplay.
No, No, Most defenitly not.
you cant really make sleeping potions. you can make someone (or yourself) fall asleep by watching a really boring boring movie late at night and you will fall asleep :)
luke layton and flora fall asleep in the carrige because when the carriges swap the molentery express wants their passangers asleep so they use flowers that make you fall asleep
make her fall asleep.
hit them in the chin or the back of the head or sleeping pills