Yes, because beta waves are more prominent in alert, eyes open people. Some drugs even increase beta waves with the goal in helping people be more alert. barbiturates and benzodiazepines.
Beta (pronounced: VEE-tah)
Beta (pronounced "veeta").
Beta shop was deleted after the game was pronounced released. Although the shop was deleted, the Beta Berserker remains in game.
To become a beta you can to it fair and square or use the beta hacker or penguin inpact!! Im not sure if they are safe though>_<
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An example of beta decay for a thorium isotope: Th-231(beta)Pa-231.
The Beta Test Ended In March 2008 You Cannot Become A Beta ~ Wind ~ Beta Testing had rewards of free premium membership for a month, 1,000 Stars, and a crown, but ended March 17, 2008. You cannot become a beta tester. <kayleyjonas>
I think that is too late to become a beta tester. The game came out a while ago. I was a beta tester for a few months and it was free.
Beta Testing Started In December 2007 And Finished In March 2008 You Cannot Become A Beta Anymore ~ Wind ~
well, you can't because you can only get beta beserker in the Beta version of Aqworlds and the beta version pasted already.You can become a member and get the real version, the beserker one.
In order to achieve the BETA title, you needed to play during the first few weeks. This was when they had JUST released the game.NOTE: Beta is impossible to get now.
The alpha state is a state of relaxed wakefulness with a slower brainwave frequency, usually occurring when a person is awake but relaxed. The beta state is a state of normal waking consciousness with a faster brainwave frequency, associated with alertness and focused mental activity.