You can find it on theInternet.just type in "Fantage Beta update 2.0.0
Testing and finally Release
A beta version of software is the final testing phase before the actual full version of the software is released.
Beta is the pre release game for testing and does not have a charge but expires with the release of the game
Alpha testing is over. It was an early testing stage of the game back in 2008, preceding beta.
A Fantage beta is a person who was on Fantage during the first few months of when it started. You can't be a Beta Tester anymore, though
You can find it on theInternet.just type in "Fantage Beta update 2.0.0
Just go to YouTube or google and look up Fantage beta hack, and there you have it. Well that worked for me.
u mean fantage ecoin generator?fantage beta mediafire
The Beta Test Ended In March 2008 You Cannot Become A Beta ~ Wind ~ Beta Testing had rewards of free premium membership for a month, 1,000 Stars, and a crown, but ended March 17, 2008. You cannot become a beta tester. <kayleyjonas>
yes and no
Beta testing will start again on Jan.4th.
Yes. Beta blocker is no contraindication for allergy testing. You should not take the antihistamine drug.
Beta-testing is over in AQW. It happened before October 10th 2008, when game was still in-testing.
CP will have beta testing a few more times
alpha. it's a more private testing.
Sorry, Beta testing for that game is over.