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twice a day

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Q: Do you take provera 5mg once a day or twice a day if you hadn't had a period in four months?
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Can taking oral provera cause a miscarriage?

Provera is perfectly safe for use during pregnancy. Doctors use Provera to help prevent miscarriage in early pregnancy and it is usually taken until 12 weeks gestation, when it is stopped because the placenta has formed and the placenta produces enough progesterone to maintain the pregnancy. Years ago, before they had the modern monoclonic pregnancy tests, they used Provera as a pregnancy test. If you did not bleed, you were pregnant. If you bled, you were not pregnant. Provera will cause you to get your period if you have missed your period due to hormonal imbalance. Provera will also stop your bleeding if you have some dysfunctional uterine bleeding (twice a day for five days). During pregnancy, Provera does not cause bleeding. Provera definitely does NOT cause a miscarriage and is definitely used during pregnancy, expecially if you have a low progesterone level.

What does it mean when you come on your period twice in one month?

It means just that - you came on your period twice in one month - it's no more complicated than that. If this was your period, and not your period plus some other vaginal bleeding caused by something else, then it is normal to bleed twice in one month occasionally. The average menstrual cycle is 28 days and as most months have more than 28 days if your cycle is this long or shorter you will see yourself bleeding twice in some months.

Do you have periods twice in one month while on Depo-Provera?

I believe you can have a period twicw a month while on the shot. I believe the shot can upset your periods in many different ways. I have been off the shot for almost 10 yrs. now and still have a period every 2 weeks and my periods used to be like clockwork. I only took the shot for about 1 year. I don't trust the Depo Provera shot and would not do it.

What is the chance of being pregnant if he ejaculated twice and i have not had a period for 6 to 9 months?

very high. see a doctor ASAP

If your period comes early does that mean you are pregnant?

You can have a period for about three months after you have become pregnant, my mother had her's for about three months while she was pregnant with me.. That was actually the first time she had her menstrual any consecutive months.. Normally she would have her period once maybe twice a year. But when she got pregnant it was the first time she had her period more than once a year.

What are the side effects of having the depo injection on the same side twice within 3 months?

There is no need to change sides or use the same side for the depo provera injection. There are no special side effects from having the injection on the same side.

Can you take defensive driving twice?

You can not enroll for second time defensive driving course with in a year or period of 12 months in Texas.

You used birth control for two months and stopped you got your period twice in one month when you stopped but ever since you havent gotten your period for almost a full 3 months now is that normal?

Yes, it happens to people who swim for no logical reason at all.

I am two months late on your period but you took 2 pregnancy tests and it was negative could you still be pregnant?

I am two months late and i have taken a test sometimes twice a week and they say negative. what is going on?

Which planet has twice the earth period of revolution?

Mars has roughly twice the Earth's period of revolution.

What planet has twice the earth's period of revolution?

Mars has an orbital period of very approximately twice that of the earth

Is it normal to get your period twice a month?

It's normal to have period twice a month heavily just for 3 days only?