You can have a period for about three months after you have become pregnant, my mother had her's for about three months while she was pregnant with me.. That was actually the first time she had her menstrual any consecutive months.. Normally she would have her period once maybe twice a year. But when she got pregnant it was the first time she had her period more than once a year.
if your period comes on early does that mean that you are not pregnant?
it is a possiblity that you are pregnant, and you're getting implantation bleeding and not your period. wait a week after your period was due and take a test.
Can u be pregnant if urn on urn period
Probably nothing.
because ya a pregnant
no it could be that your cycle decided to take a change due to hormones,stress,medication,etc.just because your monthly was early doesnt mean your pregnant
It could mean you are pregnant, have irregular periods, hormonal imbalance or you have had a light and early period this month for no reason.
While menstruation might co-occur during early pregnancy, it is very rare. So you should consider that if you do have your period, you are not pregnant.
Your preggo.
Don't worry at all, if you get your period early it has nothing to do with being pregnant. If you are pregnant you would have a lapse of period all together. The only other possibily that I can think of is that you are not having a period, but having a miscarriage. This will most likely be very much like a period, but often includes heavy bleeding and very painful cramping. Check with your doctor to make sure its not a serious problem!! Good Luck
No that person is not pregnant.